
(none) Matched route

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /.env
# Route name Path Log
1 easyadmin /admin/management/ Path does not match
2 fos_user_security_login /login Path does not match
3 fos_user_security_check /login_check Path does not match
4 fos_user_security_logout /logout Path does not match
5 fos_user_change_password /change-password Path does not match
6 nelmio_security /nelmio/csp/report Path does not match
7 test_mail /test-mail Path does not match
8 _twig_error_test /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
9 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
11 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
12 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
13 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
14 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
15 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
16 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
17 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
18 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
19 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
20 homepage / Path does not match
21 admin_landing /admin Path does not match
22 send_inquiry /send-inquiry Path does not match
23 send_reviewer_rejection_survey /rejection-survey Path does not match
24 reviewer_program_invitation /invitation/{token} Path does not match
25 reviewer_acknowledge_payment /acknowledge-payment/{token} Path does not match
26 reviewer_refuse_payment /refuse-payment/{token} Path does not match
27 reviewer_documents_destroyed /promise-documents-destroyed/{token} Path does not match
28 reset_password_request /reset-password Path does not match
29 reset_password /reset-password-mail Path does not match
30 reset_password_enter_new /reset-password-enter Path does not match
31 reviewer_edit_request /reviewer-edit-request Path does not match
32 reviewer_update_profile /reviewer-update-profile/{token} Path does not match
33 list_programs /admin/program/list Path does not match
34 admin_contact /admin/contact Path does not match
35 download_resume /admin/resume/{reviewerId} Path does not match
36 download_reviwer_matching_service_results /admin/file/reviewer-matching-service-results Path does not match
37 copy_program /admin/program/copy/{programId} Path does not match
38 update_program /admin/program/edit/{programId} Path does not match
39 delete_program /admin/program/delete/{programId} Path does not match
40 create_program /admin/program/create Path does not match
41 view_program /admin/program/view/{programId} Path does not match
42 import_program_reviewers /admin/program/{programId}/import-reviewers Path does not match
43 list_reviewers /admin/reviewer/list Path does not match
44 reviewers_add_to_program /admin/reviewer/add-to-program Path does not match
45 invite_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/invite Path does not match
46 resend_reviewer_invite /admin/program/reviewer/invite/resend Path does not match
47 pick_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/pick Path does not match
48 uninvite_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/uninvite Path does not match
49 include_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/include Path does not match
50 update_invitation_template /admin/program/reviewer/update-invitation-template Path does not match
51 exclude_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/exclude Path does not match
52 reviewer_certificate /admin/program/reviewer/certificate Path does not match
53 withdraw_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/withdraw Path does not match
54 view_reviewer /admin/reviewer/view/{reviewerId} Path does not match
55 update_reviewer /admin/reviewer/edit/{reviewerId} Path does not match
56 delete_reviewer /admin/reviewer/delete Path does not match
57 upload_reviewer_resume /admin/reviewer/upload-resume/{reviewerId} Path does not match
58 find_reviewer_by_review_finder_id /admin/reviewer/find-by-rfid/{reviewFinderId} Path does not match
59 list_inquiries /admin/inquiry/list Path does not match
60 list_program_inquiries /admin/program/{programId}/inquiries Path does not match
61 list_reviewer_inquiries /admin/reviewer/{reviewerId}/inquiries Path does not match
62 view_inquiry /admin/inquiry/view/{inquiryId} Path does not match
63 view_inquiry_for_program /admin/program/{programId}/inquiry/view/{inquiryId} Path does not match
64 view_inquiry_for_reviewer /admin/reviewer/{reviewerId}/inquiry/view/{inquiryId} Path does not match
65 answer_inquiry /admin/inquiry/answer Path does not match
66 answer_inquiry_for_program /admin/program/{programId}/inquiry/answer Path does not match
67 answer_inquiry_for_reviewer /admin/reviewer/{reviewerId}/inquiry/answer Path does not match
68 mark_answered_inquiry /admin/inquiry/mark-answered Path does not match
69 mark_answered_inquiry_for_program /admin/program/{programId}/inquiry/mark-answered Path does not match
70 mark_answered_inquiry_for_reviewer /admin/reviewer/{reviewerId}/inquiry/mark-answered Path does not match
71 mark_read_inquiry /admin/inquiry/mark-read Path does not match
72 mark_read_inquiry_for_program /admin/program/{programId}/inquiry/mark-read Path does not match
73 mark_read_inquiry_for_reviewer /admin/reviewer/{reviewerId}/inquiry/mark-read Path does not match
74 report_reviewer_in_pool /admin/program/reports/reviewer-in-pool/{programId} Path does not match
75 report_reviewer_final /admin/program/reports/reviewer-final/{programId} Path does not match
76 report_reviewer_invited /admin/program/reports/reviewer-invited/{programId} Path does not match
77 report_reviewer_pending_payment /admin/program/reports/reviewer-pending-payment/{programId} Path does not match
78 export_reviewer /admin/reviewer/export/{reviewerId} Path does not match
79 import_reviewers_from_pool /admin/reviewer/import-from-pool Path does not match
80 download_import_reviewers_from_pool_log /admin/reviewer/download-import-from-pool/{logName} Path does not match
81 report_reviewer_status /admin/program/reports/reviewer-status/{programId} Path does not match
82 report_export_reviewers /admin/reviewer/export Path does not match
83 admin_view_emails /admin/view-emails/{templateId} Path does not match
84 list_blacklisted_emails /admin/unsubscribe-email/list Path does not match
85 remove_blacklisted_email /admin/unsubscribe-email/remove Path does not match
86 add_blacklisted_email /admin/unsubscribe-email/add Path does not match
87 unsubscribe_reviewer /unsubscribe/{token} Path does not match
88 request_bank_details_from_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/request-bank-details Path does not match
89 request_acknowledge_participation_from_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/acknowledge-participation Path does not match
90 acknowledge_bank_details_from_reviewer /admin/program/reviewer/acknowledge-bank-details Path does not match
91 record_payment_sent /admin/program/reviewer/record-payment-sent Path does not match
92 force_bank_details_received /admin/program/reviewer/force-details-received Path does not match
93 manuals_arms /manuals/arms Path does not match
94 reviewer_evaluation /admin/reviewer/rating/{reviewerId} Path does not match
95 submit_reviewer_evaluation /admin/reviewer/submit-evaluation Path does not match
96 submit_reviewer_comment /admin/reviewer/submit-comment Path does not match
97 my_account_change_password /admin/my-account/change-password Path does not match
98 kaboom /kaboom Path does not match
99 test_email /admin/_system/test-email Path does not match
100 application_info /admin/_system/application-info Path does not match

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.